Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Desert Song
A freakin' awesome song by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. This is one insanely trippy music video. It has an 1:43 intro before the music starts. Watching it from start to stop was just a nice escape from everyday reality. Guess I am starting to gear up for vacation mode. Trying to unwind, relax, and get ready for a shitty day of traveling, then....calm. Something I haven't known in over a year. Kind of at a loss as to what to do. What did I do when I was a civilian? I surfed, created art....watched a ton of movies, tanned, relaxed. Gonna be weird. Kind of like this video, ;).
Monday, May 16, 2011
A good video I found a few days ago. Epic stuff. I am digging the creativity of movies made with just simple equipment. Good stuff for sure. Been busy as hell the past 2 weeks, and I am getting ever closer to coming back home to Florida. Can't wait for that plane ride, it is gonna be nice. I wish I had more time, hard not to be bitter about it, but I will at least be able to take my 15 day break in the middle of my deployment. Movies I have seen in the past couple of weeks have been pretty good. Cashback is amazing. I loved it. Priest....that movie was a bit of a flop. Did not enjoy that at all. The Fall = incredible. That movie was art in motion. Amazing movie, and if you haven't seen it before, I would suggest you do. It reminded me of The Cell in many ways. Nothing can elicit emotions like a movie does, and when it is done correctly, it can be incredibly powerful. Anyways, off to the gym, and then trying to find something to do for the rest of the day.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What the hell?
So the past few days, well, have just been a bit weird. I don't remember Thursday night at all, nothing. On Friday, I just sort of floated through the day, with about no recollection of anything at all except for talking to a few people at night. This video pretty much sums up how I have been feeling. Amazing bit of work btw, I enjoy the creators views and creativity. I watched it a few times back to back simply because it was just creative. Definitely took some time and dedication to do this. Love it. Well, I just got back from running 2 miles, forced myself to do it. I think that was the hardest 2 mile run I have had in years. Guess there is a reason I don't do that at all.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Talking Animals
I can't stop watching this stuff, it is absolutely cracking me up. Reminds me of Sci-Fi Theater 3,000, or whatever that show was called. So awesome. Been a long week, haven't had time to update the blog at all. So it looks like I finally get my 2 weeks off starting on May 30th until the 12th of June. Thank god....home here we come.
Monday, May 2, 2011
bellum se ipsum alet (Latin for "War feeds itself")
Osama bin Laden Death Prompts Celebrations and Security Alerts - ABC News
Well folks, there it is. I am sure everyone in the world has heard about it, but after seeing the pictures and reading many articles, it looks to be real. I am never truly 100% certain of these things, I mean, seriously, we are close to election time again, and suddenly, look what we found. Anyways, enough conspiracy theories for a while. Gotta focus and get through these next few days. Gonna be busy as hell, but once they are over, it will be good. I am a man on a mission, hear me roar!
Well folks, there it is. I am sure everyone in the world has heard about it, but after seeing the pictures and reading many articles, it looks to be real. I am never truly 100% certain of these things, I mean, seriously, we are close to election time again, and suddenly, look what we found. Anyways, enough conspiracy theories for a while. Gotta focus and get through these next few days. Gonna be busy as hell, but once they are over, it will be good. I am a man on a mission, hear me roar!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Nil Sine Labore (Latin Phrase for "Nothing without Labor")
Cool little video made with my favorite piece of equipment in the world. I can't wait to get back home and get my hands on my GoPro, and just shoot everything. Gonna be a fun time for sure. Thinking about getting my motorcycle license, and then grabbing or renting a bike for a little while and having some fun. I just can't wait to get out of here. It is driving me crazier every freakin' day. The people, the weather, the location, everything about this place blows ass. Civilization here I come!!!!
Also, last night, I had a dream that I was out in the woods alone with my night vision goggles (NVG's) on, and there were these wolves following me around wherever I went. I could see their eyes glinting with the reflection of the moonlight, and I could just always feel them hunting me. I tried to get into a wide open area so that I could see them attacking me, but it never worked. Then, they changed into Hyenas, I couldn't see them, but I could here them laughing. And they just kept surrounding me and rushing in, one after another, and whenever I tried to wave a light or swing at them, they just disappeared. I have no idea what the dream means, but it definitely had me wake up in a sweat lol. Anyways, I'm out!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Excitate vos e somno liberi mei ac nvenite hortum veritatis, (Latin for ""Arouse yourselves from sleep, my children, and find the garden of truth.")
Another great song by Bring Me the Horizon. Absolutely in love with them. I think it is an affair that is going to go on for a long, long time. Been listening to a lot of Suicide Silence as well. A bit heavier, but still have some amazing rifts. It is all about the sound and lyrics to me. Those two dynamics just make a band. Gotta have that bad ass churning metal sound, and a good screamer. If the screamer sucks, I ain't listening to it.
Well, less than a month until I get to go back home, and get some sun in sunny Florida! I am super stoked to be able to get back there for about 2 weeks. I hope to be able to just stay busy and be able to hang around civilians for extended periods of time without freaking out how much people complain about things. "Oooh, I have to wait in line at Wal-Mart." "Ooooh, MY AIR CONDITIONING ISN'T WORKING!!!!" Granted, it is a generalization to be sure and taken to the extreme, but still. It is pretty spot on. I didn't know how much stupid shit I complained about until I got into service. I was like, wow. I used to complain about that? Now, I would die for some the very same things I complained about. I guess you could say this is my time of suffering....a sort of purgatory.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo, (Latin Phrase for "If I can not bend Heaven, I shall move Hell")
Crucify me, nail my hands to a wooden cross
There is nothing above, there is nothing below
Heaven and Hell they just row the boat
And I'll be captain for me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of rules could salvage me
Only a shipwreck, only a ghost
Merely a graveyard of your former self
We just watched the waves crash over
I've been cast astray
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
No one needs to know
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
No one needs to know
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of rules could salvage me
Save yourself, save your breath
The tides too strong, you'll catch your death
So breathe for me, just breathe
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead
If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot
Pray for the dead
Pray for the dead [x3]
Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your full undivided attention?
There is something you all really need to know
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
You say that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead.
If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
You say that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead.
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Kind of how things get translated in our minds can be played out in a video or in lyrics. I love the fact that Bring me the Horizon just straight up throws this shit in your face. I love the band, I love their lyrics. I have been listening to this song repeatedly, and in fact the entire album repeatedly over the past few weeks. I can't get enough of it. Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Memor Mihi Quod Vos, (Latin Phrase for "Remember me and you"
One of my favorite songs out there. I love the message, and sometimes I just need to hear some good music in the mornings. It can change the way you start your day, and at 0552 in the morning, I fucking need to hear something positive. I just want to go paddle out and drop into a few sets when I listen to Rebelution. Reminds me of long hair, windy offshore days, with a bit of a barrel in sets of threes! OOH MY MY, LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Acta Non Verba, (Latin Phrase for "Deeds not Words")
Haha, epic. One of my favorite Will Ferrel pieces. When he starts talking to her about the alcohol, it cracks me up every single time. Currently in classes, so not much time to do anything really. Gym later today, back workout. WOOOO!!!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ab Imo Pectore, (Latin Phrase for "From the Deepest Chest")
A little video I made in After Effects yesterday. Just kind of had a lot of time on my hands, threw a little tribute in to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films. I tried to give it a Rob Zombie look and feel to it. The song is perfect for it, really creepy. I definitely look at Rob Zombie's work as something to behold for sure. His work is insane. I love the way he uses everything, camera angles, filters, music. Perfect example is House of 1,000 Corpses, and The Devils Rejects. Amazing movies in their own right. Though House of 1,000 Corpses without The Devils Rejects was like....wtf. Anyways, I'm off to the gym, two a day today. Gotta get tired.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Oculus Dexter (Latin for "Right Eye")
One of my favorite surfing videos of all time. Brian Conley knows how to make surf videos, and he was the pioneer of the first person perspective. A lot of these waves close out on him, but when he gets out, it is amazing. Imagine the freedom of doing something like this. The moment before those waves close out, they just look like they are going to explode and crush him. I have seen guys getting towed into surf this big before in Puerto Rico, and it is just a scary thing to watch. Nothing beats that feeling though, nothing comes close. Best gift nature has ever given man, the ability to surf. Enjoy the video folks. Getting me ready for Costa Rica, ;).
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sine sole sileo (Latin Phrase for "Without the Sun I am Silent")
This video left me breathless. I love anything that has to with space. It is a place where we have never been beyond what we can see with out eyes, or the aid of a telescope, or satellite. I just wish we could go farther than our galaxy. Travel to other galaxies and see the other planets in those galaxies. There has to be life in those other planets, there just has to be! This footage is just mind blowing. The colors and the way that the solar flares erupt are just incredible. Reminds me of how wild and raw nature really is. Beautiful stuff for sure. I just wish we could see more!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Ab imo pectore (Latin for, "From the bottom of the chest (heart).")
Been listening to a ton of metal, and I have never been more impressed than with The Devil Wears Prada's CD's over the years. Their stuff is incredible. Gives me goosebumps every time I listen to them. So good. One of the few metal/screamo bands that will stay in my library until I eat dirt. Great music. The video is incredible as well, the art style is awesome. A mixture of stop motion photography, and slow motion. Gotta love the way the female character after the end, when she gives her "soul" or whatever that stuff was that streamed out of her into the guy to give him life, her lower half started to disintegrate as she dragged herself away. Very interesting stuff. Almost on the last episode of Season 5 of Dexter, and holy crap, I have to say that this is one of the best seasons they have had so far. Very rare for a TV series like that to simply be compelling every single episode for 5 years straight. I heard the 6th season is amazing as well! Can't wait to get onto it. Time to hit the finish my laundry, eat, hit the gym, get some shopping done, and then play some Metro 2033, and pick up a new book.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Fac me cocleario vomere! (Latin for "Gag Me With a Spoon")
Okay, so patience is a virtue folks. Case in point is that video above this post. This video shows an "Albino Raccoon", which granted, that is unusual. You are wondering to yourself, "Why the fuck am I watching this?" Yet, you keep watching it, and suddenly, at the end of the video, it shows a person dressed in some sort of weird Mouse/Rat costume, pulling a party streamer around some dudes neck. It literally looked like some weird fetish shit going on there. My reaction when I saw that was one of horror, confusion, humor, and a weird compulsion to get up and watch Dexter. I have no clue what the hell was going on there, but it was some weird shit. Patience is a virtue people, this is proven right here. Anyways....long day at work coming up, ready to get it done, relax, and get a good lift in today, get some shopping done for some essential items needed, and then freakin' chillax the rest of the weekend. I feel some of my favorite surf videos are going to be coming up soon, ;).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Nervus Rerum (Latin for "The Nerve of Things")
We all know that today is folks. Yes, it is 4-20-2011. This is as good a day as any to start a new blog, and this as good a day as any to be as good a day as any. Confusing? I sure hope so. Because I just stayed up for 30+ hours, went to bed at 0900, woke up at 1700 when the flag went off, and now have no clue what the time is, at least internally. My body is wondering why I am not going to the gym. "Why are you not going to gym Mr. User? Why are you not running Mr. User? Why are you doing these strange things, like, art, and writing, and eating? You should be getting ready to go to work! Oh Mr. Body, you are going to be extremely fooled when I lay down to go to bed in an hour or two." Okay, so why am I starting this endeavor? Well, I enjoy writing. If someone reads it and enjoys someone else's weird points of view on life, than fuck me running, you have made someones life a bit more strange and interesting. I will try and post up either a song, a surfing video, a piece of art, or anything that inspires me each day. Or I may just rant, and rave at the craziness that is life in itself. Ah, the therapeutic qualities of writing. Either way, enjoy the trip. Speaking of which, I will have a ton of stuff coming in from my trip to Costa Rica coming up, I will keep it updated. Maybe get a monkey or two on camera....maybe.
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